High Spring Tides Divert Traffic

Picture courtesy of Joe Maloret.

Unusually high spring tides have meant diversions for road users along Guernsey's east and west coasts.

High spring tides and high pressure have meant roads had to be closed on both Guernsey's east and west coasts today (12 February).

High tide was at 08.18 and Civil Protection Volunteers (CPV) closed Perelle early on as it's prone to both water and pebbles coming over the sea wall.

The 10.1 metre tide saw waves overlapping the St Peter Port sea front and again CPV had to close the road in both directions at the rush hour peak.

The sea also washed onto the seaward edges of the Bridge in St Sampsons.

This evening's high tide may also see waves overlapping the St Peter Port Quay; it's at 20.42 at 9.7 metres.

Accessing or leaving St Peter Port is likely to be more difficult this week as Ruette Braye is closed to traffic and the Grange remains one way, going out of Town.

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