Keep Animals Safe

Protect animals on Guy Fawkes Night say GSPCA

With a busy firework period here were being reminded of notifications which help those affected by the loud bangs.

Steve Byrne, GSPCA Manager says ' The loud bangs and bright lights can often scare animals and we often see an increase in escaped animals during these periods. We’d advise dog walkers to avoid taking or letting their animals out during the times of these displays and to ensure windows and doors are closed with curtains shut and music playing or the TV is on to help drown out the noise.'

The GSPCA is urging every one to follow their Animal Friendly Firework Code and protect pets and local wildlife.

  • 'Please make sure that your pets are wearing a collar with an identity tag in case they manage to escape from your home. We would also strongly advise that you have your pets micro-chipped as this enables us to reunite them with you much more easily should they run away. Please call the GSPCA for further details on having your animal micro-chipped.
  • 'Walk your dog during the day and as soon as it gets dark keep your dog or cat inside. Ensure all of the windows and doors are locked including dog and cat flaps.
  • 'Go to an organised display if you can, however don’t take your dog.  If you are going out then draw your curtains, put the television or radio on and provide you pet with a safe hiding place so they feel secure.
  • 'If you are having a private firework display then build your bonfire as late as possible to reduce the likelihood of any wildlife taking up residence. Before lighting the fire check the area thoroughly for hedgehogs. We are always saddened by the number of hedgehogs we receive that have suffered severe burns.  Do not light fires or set off fireworks near trees where birds are likely to be roosting.
  • 'Please notify your neighbours of your intentions. Especially the elderly and those who have pets.
  • 'When horses are startled they are likely to bolt and can suffer serious injuries. Ensure that all horses, ponies and donkeys are securely stabled with the doors closed.
  • 'Remember to bring guinea pigs and rabbits inside or place under cover in an out building. 
  • 'If you know that you pet is frightened by loud noises such as fireworks or has an existing heart condition please contact your vet for advice.
  • Please clean up after firework parties. Litter is hazardous to domestic and wild animals.

    Remember NEVER let fireworks off near animals.

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