New role created at the top of Guernsey's Revenue Service

A review has recommended the top job at Income Tax is split between policy and delivery, meaning the States is adverting for a new senior civil servant at a salary of between £130,000 to £147,000.

The Director of Revenue Services role has been split between policy and service delivery following a review by the States Treasurer, Bethan Haines:

"‘As is the case with many roles in the public sector, particularly at a senior level, they tend to expand over time as demands on services increase.

In the case of the role of Director of the Revenue Service, the post holder is responsible for the delivery of both the service itself – the collection of income tax, contributions and, from this year, operation of the Secondary Pension scheme – and the development and introduction of policy."

‘It was clear to me that splitting its operational and policy responsibilities was necessary."

It means that the current Director of Revenue Services, Nicky Forshaw, will become the Director of Tax Policy and focus on leading on domestic and international policy development.

The new role, leading on service delivery, is now being advertised on the States' website at a salary of between £130,00 and £147,000.

The department has been working through a backlog of tax returns for some time.

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