Nurses Balloted On 5% Pay Offer

The RCN Union is balloting its members over the next three weeks and is recommending they reject the offer.

The 2022 deal is for a 5% pay rise plus a £500 one off payment that will be added to all nurses pay, across all grades.

Pay over the next two years would match the Cost of Living Index (RPIX), but in 2024 it would be 1% below inflation, or a pay freeze if RPIX is below 1%.

RPIX is currently 7%.

RCN union members will be balloted on the pay offer over the coming three weeks, and they'll also be asked whether they'd consider strike action - although none is currently planned.

Sarah Johnston, the RCN's operational manager, wants union members to use their vote as the result will determine what happens next:

"There has been zero negotiation with the Trade Unions on this offer and it’s disappointing that the States have chosen to ignore the burning issue of pay parity that members fought so hard for in 2020. Like other groups on the island, nurses and midwives have been waiting to have their say; this is their chance and we hope they take it.”

Deputy Dave Mahoney is representing Policy and Resources, as employer, in the pay negotiations:

“We are pleased to see that the RCN is now balloting its members, albeit ten weeks after the Employer made its offer. It is, however, disappointing that the States are described as ‘ignoring’ the issue of pay parity, when nurses and midwives have received a pay uplift of c.20% for the period 2018-2021, whilst other groups such as Established Staff were awarded 6.4% for the same period." 

The RCN counters this by saying that while this is the case, nurses are still not paid at the same level as civil servants.

Policy and Resources says it is willing to enter into talks after the pay deal is concluded.

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