Appeal Set Up In Memory Of Father And Son

An appeal set up in memory of Dean and Charlie Lowe has raised thousands of pounds in a matter of hours.

The crowdfunding page has been set up to help the family, and to support causes the much-loved father and son were passionate about.

Dad Dean (48) and 11 year old Charlie were tragically killed in a crash in Grouville last weekend.

Their deaths have devastated Jersey's community, and hundreds of tributes have been paid to them in the days since.

The appeal  - set up by Craig Le Boutillier - says the family wish to honour their memory by continuing to support their life passions.

"Dean can only be described as larger than life, a gentle caring man whose fun and laughter would fill the room, leaving a mark on all those that he met. A talented musician, born entertainer with a heart of gold."

In his work with Jersey Employment Trust, Mr Le Bouillier writes that Dean was 'an advocate of inclusion and a community champion granting equal opportunities to all in need, giving those with a difference the platform to be a part of society by empowering them to succeed in life and reach their full potential in achieving their goals'.

Young Charlie is described as a promising talent 'whose potential was endless'.

"Charlie was a pupil at St Clements School, a talent and passion for performing in amateur dramatics. He exuded confidence, shone on stage and lit up every room he entered."

Donations will benefit aspiring entertainers and the development of people with learning disabilities.

"Ashleigh and family are most grateful for the messages of condolence and gestures of kindness that they have received from their relatives, friends and the wider community in Jersey. It is their wish to honour Dean and Charlie’s memory by continuing to support their passions in life."

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