Landlords Association Slam 'Relentless Government Intervention'

The Jersey Landlords Association says 'relentless government intervention' WILL lead to higher costs for tenants.

Politicians are due to vote next month on measures from the Environment Minister to licence properties annually.

Landlords would have to pay a fee of up to £200 per unit.

Deputy John Young says it will make sure a basic, minimum standard is maintained, but the JLA says it's needless and believe a complaints system is the right way to go.

"It's a change of behaviour, not so much on the landlords but also on the people landlords are using to fix the properties because they know they have the force of the law.

"We're not even talking the tenants of the Environment Department or the Fire Department or whatever other department you want behind them. That is where the cost comes in and that cost will be passed on to tenants.

"We're on the tip of the iceberg. You haven't seen anything about rents going up compared to how they are going to go up if this relentless government intervention continues." - Emma Paul.

Honorary President Robert Weston also told The Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel in a Scrutiny hearing that there's been no direct consultation with him on the plans.

The proposition is due to be debated on 4 February.

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