More funding is needed for post-16 education in Jersey 'as a matter of urgency'.
That is the conclusion of a Scrutiny review.
2,000 students were asked if the current system meets their needs.
Half of them said a lack of money is a barrier to continuing their studies.
Some also felt there is a lack of information about their options after GCSEs.
Employers said that school-leavers need better digital and interpersonal skills.
The Education Scrutiny Panel has made a number of recommendations to the Education Minister.
* Reviewing IT infrastructure so schools can be more flexible in their teaching of digital subjects.
* Reviewing how young people are told about post-16 options, and school/college bus service arrangements.
* Find the money to extend the Jersey Premium (a targeted funding scheme for schools) to help post-16 students.
* Find a way of allowing schools to operate in a 3-5 year budgetary cycle.
* Review the 14+ transfer at Hautlieu to remove barriers to post-16 collaboration between Highlands and Hautlieu.
* Investigate the merits, value and implications of removing the financial barriers to accessing post-16 education.
* Prioritise the development of a purpose-built further education campus by 2023 to replace ageing facilities at Highlands College.