Sunday Shopping Rules Being Redrawn

Large retailers in Jersey could soon be able to open regularly on Sundays.

The Economic Development Minister has officially asked for the rules to be rewritten. 

Senator Lyndon Farnham has signed a Ministerial Decision asking for officers to revise the current regulations.

A draw law is likely to be put before the States Assembly for debate in the autumn.

If passed, each parish will control and regulate permits to allow shops of more than 700 square metres to open for up to six hours between 10am - 4pm.

Currently they can only open for five Sundays a year.

Senator Lyndon Farnham told Channel 103 there's a public appetite for it:

"This isn't prescriptive, it doesn't make shops open.  Shops can decide to open.  But ultimately it will be islanders and the consumer that decides - if they want to shop on a Sunday it will be successful and worthwhile. If they don't, well then the shops won't have to open, but all the indications we have it that consumers want it.  Modern society would find it very useful and helpful to have that availability on a Sunday."

A survey of 1,100 people found 63% in favour of Sunday opening.

At the end of last year a report by the Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel examining our shopping habits said allowing larger shops to trade on Sundays could bring more weekend visitors to the island, but warned of the need for proper protect of workers' rights to worship and keep Sundays for family time.

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