Hautes Capelles primary school in St Sampson was rated 'good' in all the five categories assessed.
Each category is graded either Outstanding, Good, Needs Improvement or Inadequate.
Inspectors found that the school treats every student as an individual and has a clear curriculum, but has highlighted the need to check pupil's understanding more regularly.
Ofsted also reported that SEND students were supported well with a carefully tailored plan and was impressed by the extra curricular offerings such as student leadership roles and charitable work.
Headteacher Sue Coughlin says she is proud of the school's staff and pupils.
"I am delighted that the Ofsted team and inspection process recognised the individualised approach we take at Hautes Capelles.
The report highlights that we know our children and families well to make their time with us academically sound and also rich with experiences.
Achieving good in all categories is a significant success which validates the hard work and dedication of the school team who have worked tirelessly on developing the curriculum and wider offer for the children.
I am incredibly proud of our school and community and know that together we will continue to ensure the very best for each of our pupils."