Concern As Welfare Calls Rise By 50%

There has been a 50% increase in calls to police about welfare concerns in the last two weeks.

230 have been made since lockdown began, compared to 80 in the same period last year.

We're being urged to call the relevant authorities if we have any fears for the safety of vulnerable islanders.

Chair of the Safeguarding Partnership Board, Detective Inspector Stewart Gull, tells us some of the people we should be looking out for.

"Perhaps they are frail or elderly or maybe they've got substance misuse problems. Maybe ordinarily they are naturally a recluse.

"Of course at this particular time, with social distancing in place, these individuals may be at even greater risk of harm - which is why we're really anxious for the local community to act as our eyes and ears.

“Tackling the pandemic and preventing its further spread is vital, but such measures do not mean there should be a collapse in social contact. The impact of isolation and loneliness should not be under-estimated, especially for those in a vulnerable situation. Therefore, if you haven’t seen or heard from that person for 24 hours please call Adult Safeguarding (444440), the Mental Health CommunityTeam (443250), or in a emergency the Police on 999.”

It follows a safeguarding campaign launched earlier this month to keep children, adults and families safe during the coronavirus pandemic.

"Self-neglect occurs when a vulnerable adult is living in a way that puts his or her health, safety, or well-being at risk. It can be difficult to know when or if you should get involved. But we are asking neighbours, family members and friends to check in regulary with vulnerable individuals, as unfortunately police officers and social services cannot be everywhere, so we need the community to be our eyes and ears. If you recognise that someone is in need of help accessing basic supplies, such as groceries or hot meals, the Connect Me pages can help (, by requesting services on their behalf." - Isabel Watson, Chief Social Worker Head of Adult Social Care.

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