'Don't Delay Seeking Healthcare'

Islanders are being urged not to delay getting health treatment.

Chief Nurse Rose Naylor says we should continue to make GP appointments or seek care if we need it.

Health officials say they have worked hard to ensure many hospital services are operating as normal and everything possible is being done to protect patients from Covid 19.

 “We understand that some Islanders may be nervous about coming into our hospital and community buildings for treatment or appointments, but please be assured that we are doing everything we can to protect patients and staff from Covid-19."

We're being told skipping appointments or putting off seeking healthcare could lead to 'further complications down the line'.

“If you have a scheduled appointment or need to see a doctor, please know that the hospital is safe and able to help you. You should not avoid appointments or seeking healthcare support which might lead to further complications down the line.” 

Health and Community Services says its additional measures for this winter include 

*Maintaining as many services as possible in dedicated parts of the Hospital that are apart from those receiving treatment for Covid 

*Introducing rigorous infection prevention and control measures, including enhanced cleaning of wards 

*Establishing a Covid response team to monitor and manage the daily situation in the hospital, which includes reviewing the need for additional staff, services and equipment 

*Ensuring the availability of vital PPE to keep patients and staff safe 

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