Jersey Lifeboat Association reminds islanders how to stay safe at sea

The Jersey Lifeboat Association (JLA) is running a parish roadshow, starting in St John, to remind islanders how to stay safe at sea.

In 2024, crews responded to 21 callouts from boaters in distress and logged almost 4000 hours of work. 

This year, the JLA is hoping to be less busy and is asking islanders to help by taking a free refresher on sea safety. 

On Saturday (18 January) the first in a series of lifeboat parish roadshows is taking place in St John's Parish Hall.

Running from 11.15am - 1.30pm, everyone is invited to hear more about what the crews do and listen to a sea safety talk. 

Channel 103 has also reliably been informed that there will be free teas, coffees and most importantly - biscuits. 

Welcome to part 1 of our 2025 Parish Roadshow Safety first: Local people, giving local advice, in the comfort of your...

Posted by The Jersey Lifeboat Association onĀ Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Coxswain Alain Baudains says many JLA callouts could have been prevented if mariners had made appropriate safety checks before leaving the harbour. 

He tells us the most common mistake islanders are making is with fuel:

"Being towed in is not only embarrassing, but can be avoidable by keeping on top of your engine maintenance, keeping on top of fuel, fuel levels and quality of fuel."

Alain has this general advice for how to stay safe in the water:

"It's imperative to know where you're going, (that) your boat is prepared and that you are prepared for any eventuality - such as falling in the water. Things like first aid are also very important."

A more detailed safety briefing will be given by Steve Huelin on Saturday. 

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