How effective Jersey's government has been in meeting the Care Inquiry's recommendations is coming under further scrutiny.
How effective Jersey's government has been in meeting the Care Inquiry's recommendations is coming under further scrutiny.
A new review led by Deputy Rob Ward will look at what has been done so far relating to four of the eight targets.
In December, a previous review found that 'significant changes' had been brought in to try and meet the Care Inquiry Panel's recommendations - but 'wider cultural and structural changes' still weren't in place.
It covered the Care Inquiry's first four recommendations, with the remaining ones - including tackling the so-called 'Jersey Way' - being examined in this new scrutiny review.
It will focus on legislation, the government's role as corporate parent, the 'Jersey Way' and legacy issues.
The Care of Children in Jersey Review Panel wants islanders to share their thoughts on how the government is doing.
The deadline for submissions to scrutiny@gov.je is 16th August.
It comes as the Care Inquiry Panel which returned to the island earlier this summer to check on the progress is due to publish its own findings this month.